earns a commission each time YOU purchase any product through the links in this store or throughout the site.
It's an extra step that allows me to continue to provide free resources to visitors just like YOU.
Remember the good old shop from home days when the vendors came to your right to your door? I remember the milkman ... the fruit and vegetable guy ... and the bakery guy who brought my favorite spanish cake. There were lots of door to door salesman like the Fuller Brush man and the Britannica encyclopedia salesman ... You don't remember? ... Okay, okay my age is showing here! :0)
I'm not a shopper. I go to town as infrequently as possible. If I've had enough, I'll stop shopping, pay for what I have and go home.
I like shopping from home. Now you can too! I've put together bookkeeping store items that will help you with your bookkeeping and / or your business. All vendors have refund guarantees if you are not satisfied with your purchase.
Why leave your home office to shop ... when you can shop from your desk online any time of the day or night.
Turn the music player on (or off) if you would like to hear sample tunes while shopping.
eBundle: Month-End Procedure Manual AND Bookkeeping Checklists
10% off when purchased together ($22.50 CAD)
Last chance to purchase this program for $77. Price goes to $147 on January 8, 2018. Gabrielle has just updated and expanded this guide to include the latest in technology and practices. If you purchase now, you receive all future revisions at no additional cost ... plus she is always inviting her subscribers to FREE cutting edge webinars that help you build your business. Seriously, I purchased my guide in 2011 and I still get invited to free webinars which eventually end up in her guide or her other offerings.
I love all of Brooks guides. You can find my reviews of these products here: Hazel is a webinar on how to automate the filing of your eDocuments. Click on the image for more information. |
![]() Click on any image to purchase ... or for more information. |
A 2 hour information packed webcast shows you step-by-step the process Gabrielle Fontaine PB used to start her virtual online bookkeeping business in 2003 from scratch, after having to relocate and leave her twelve year old bookkeeping practice behind.
You don't need to recreate the wheel. Gabrielle's map helps you avoid mistakes as you work towards building a home-based profitable bookkeeping business. Click here to read my review and find out what else this program includes. This program is well worth the $77 USD enrolment fee.
Completely revised in 2015. This product makes the transition to paperless less stressful. The guide walks you through step by step how to go paperless. It comes with three service level options. Pricing starts from $15 USD. Read my review here.
Completely revised in 2015. This guide walks you through how to setup your ScanSnap to get you up and running quickly and painlessly in plain English. There is absolutely NO NEED to wade through the hundreds of pages that comes with the Fitjisu scanner! It is available for Windows or Mac platforms. This product comes with 30 day money back guarantee. Pricing starts at $5 USD. Get more details here.
Click Here to Take Advantage of SBI's Affordable Toolkit and Action Guide Subscription
Click here to find out how I became my own webmaster
This is the product I use to build and maintain this website. It is user friendly and does not require you have tech skills. If you know how to use your email and internet browser, you can be your own webmaster too! You can read about how I built this website with limited computer skills here.
SBI! is a Canadian company with a unique all-in-one web package ... that as far as I know is not available anywhere else. The package includes:
As SBI! is the ONLY product I know of its kind, Ken Evoy works diligently and tirelessly to ensure it is the best in it's class. The features tht appeal to me are:
You have two options - Build your website yourself or hire a webmaster to build your online business ... both come with a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. Each option is highlighted below.
I could not afford the thousands of dollars needed to have someone else design my website ... this is the product I use to build and maintain this site. For the do-it-yourselfer like me, this set of tools is affordable at $30 USD per month (recession buster) or $299US per year (best value).
If you ever get stuck, you can always purchase Site Build It! Coaching Services to get you on your way. Click here for more web 2.0 small business platform details.
By the time you have finished working your way through the Step by Step Action Guide and Video series, you have the web equivalent of a Harvard MBA. If you are ready to learn how to earn, this comprehensive package is for you.
Buy a Subscription to SBI's Famous Toolkit and Action Guide Now
Start Building Your Own Website Today
If you are definitely not the "hands on" type and want your own webmaster, then use SiteSell Services. Their experts will build a site for you that works without having to do it yourself. You have input every step along the way.
Click here for more details on how to hire your own webmaster.
Click here for more details on how I became my own webmaster.
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