I work in Los Angeles, where people are very strange about money. They'll pay $450.00 a week for Pilates, but they want to pay the least amount that they can to the person that handles their money.
On the other hand, the less you charge, the less respect you get.
How do I know if I'm undercharging, which I suspect that I am, and how do I turn the situation around?
I'm very good at my job, but I have low self-esteem!
Thank you for your help.
Oct 25, 2013
Intuit Rate Survey by: Lake
Every two years, Intuit does a billing rate survey based on responses from accountants and bookkeepers.
Michelle Long has posted the 2011 results on her website:
I'm not sure if they have completed their 2013 survey yet. You can try the following link to see if the survey is still open for you to participate:
You might want to read my chat on setting your rate by following the link in the original post.
Aug 30, 2016
Bookkeeping Specialty by: Neil from Batte Ground, Wa
I'm getting certified in bookkeeping. Once I am certified, should I choose an area to specialize in such as payroll, bringing books up to date and organized, etc?
Aug 30, 2016
Neil by: Lake
Visit Gabrielle at thefreelancebookkeeper.com. She has a great blog that walks you through all of these types of decisions.
Good luck with your business. I wish you much success!
Oct 23, 2016
Full-Charge Bookkeeper Rates by: JP from New Mexico
What would you charge a full-time full charge bookkeeping job as a flat monthly rate as a subcontractor?
Oct 23, 2016
JP by: Lake
type "Bookkeeping Service Fee Structure" into my search box.
This information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Consult with a qualified professional for personalized guidance. Full Disclaimer Note: This website (bookkeeping-essentials.com) is NOT associated with Bookkeeping Essentials Ltd. operating in Bonnyville, Alberta or any other businesses operating under similar names in the United States or elsewhere.