Learning Payroll
How do I go about learning to do payroll?
I want to start my own business and I know the basics of bookkeeping but not payroll. Is there anywhere free online that shows you or does anyone know about the taxes and deductions?

There is a
very basic free payroll course offered by
The Bean Counter called
So you want to learn Bookkeeping! - Payroll Canadian.
I have some basic information on my
Payroll Tax page ... but it assumes you have some knowledge about payroll.
You might also want to check out CRA's Payroll section on their website. You can locate it at www.cra-arc.gc.ca> Businesses> Payroll. An online calculator and an article on
How payroll works are just two of the items you'll find there.
After that, your options are the paid courses through the Knowledge BUreau, The Canadian Payroll Association, or your local college.