Bookkeeper's Vacation
Relief Network
by Teena
(Mississuagua, Ontario, Canada)
What an interesting website I stumbed upon quite by accident! I am a self-employed bookkeeper for 10 years and approximately 20 years bookkeeping experience before that.
One of the biggest challenges is trying to get time off or taking vacation when I have so many clients relying on me. How on earth do other bookkeepers do it?
It sure would be great to find a base of bookkeepers nearby to handle emergencies when I'm away and I'd do the same for them. Is that something that's available at your website?
I'd also like to work from home more but almost all my clients need me to be at the place of business to do the bookkeeping. I really hate when roads are bad in the winter time.
A Work From Home Bookkeeper

What a fabulous idea! I will have to think about how I could offer a
Bookkeeper Vacation Relief Exchange or Network on this site.
Why do your clients require you to be at their place of business to do the bookkeeping? Have you investigated virtual bookkeeping technology. It would enable you to do more work from your home office ... and less travelling time while still offering quality service to clients?
So here is a question to other site visitors. Would you be interested in a Bookkeeper Vacation Relief Exchange or Network on this site?