Best Laptop

by Kirk Smeeton
(Whitehorse, Yukon)

Best Laptop for Bookkeepers

Best Laptop for Bookkeepers

What is the most popular laptop among bookkeepers, or does it just come down to personal preference (only going to use for bookkeeping, not personal use)?

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Hi Kirk,

I've no idea. I'll post this on the website and on Facebook and hopefully other bookkeepers will weigh in.

I personally don't like using a laptop to do bookkeeping. It will be interesting to see what other bookkeepers are doing out there.

P.S. Gorgeous picture. I lived in Whitehorse at one time. Just loved it there.

Comments for Best Laptop

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Nov 14, 2014
Laptop for a Bookkeeper
by: Nina

Hello Kirk,

For doing bookkeeping at home, a desktop is the best -for speeding up our performance and for our eyes:)

But some clients do not want to buy an accounting software but prefer us to work on site. For a case like this, I believe we do not need a really good (expensive) laptop. Just make sure you can connect the laptop to a monitor in your client's office (if you are working for a long time there), have a portable hard drive, and PLEASE make backups ( on PORTABLE HD) every time before you are turning off your laptop.

Best regards,

Nov 14, 2014
some things to think about
by: Kyle Janz

The first thing I would recommend (because I've used many different laptops for this purpose), is you will definitely want one with a keyboard that has a separate number pad. Otherwise, you can plug in a full-size keyboard or get one of those "usb number pads". Of course you will want a screen that is big enough to see the numbers (or whatever else you want to type), because the last thing you want to do is strain your eyes looking at a 10" notebook all day. I have a 17" laptop and it acts as a desktop replacement (nice big screen and full keyboard).

You probably won't require a lot of power or memory, so really, all you want is a laptop that is reliable. Go with a well-known brand, with a good warranty. I like Costco, because they give you an extra year warranty on their laptops (2 years total).

Hope this is a helpful start!

Nov 19, 2014
MacBook Pro
by: Richard

My way is the best way. Certainly that can't be true, however I think everyone should be able to say that on an individual basis. In my case I think I have a pretty cool set up.

I think we live in a day when the laptop as certainly caught up to the power of a desktop. Come on, we're bookkeepers not rocket scientists. There are some pretty cool laptops to do the work we need, why get bogged down with a non portable tower. So, what do I have - what do I use? I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro. At home I connect to two 23" external monitors. The MBS can be closed or open. Yes the MBS is naturally powerful enough to run three displays. Usually I keep it closed and hidden under a monitor. I top it off with the usb full keyboard and external trackpad.

All my work is done remotely, wether by LogMeIn or Microsoft Remote Desktop, I don't have QuickBooks (QB) on my computer. I use QB and feel it is best in a PC world - this isn't the place of for me to bash QB Online or Mac so I won't but know QB desktop is the best and feature rich.

I moved from a PC laptop to a Macbook and love it. I won't say I am an Apple is the greatest type user but I do think many of the features out weigh a PC laptop. Like I said it is powerful, the track pad is more intuitive, keypad feels more clean and not clunky, power cord charges fast and is magnetic, multiple desktops and wow is this thing ever so light and small. When I am on site I usually use the clients computer but on occasion I am using my computer to remote to our server.

In short don't get a desktop. You will be like that hermit down at the dock that lives in a house boat which can never leave the dock.

Dec 30, 2015
Looking for a software recommendation
by: Anonymous

I've been gradually downsizing my home based bookkeeping business and currently only have three small businesses.

One I do off site and use their software.

The software I use for the other two is costing me more then what I earn, especially the payroll component. I am looking to switch.

All I need is something that will keep track of income and expenses, but I do need to produce P&L's and balance sheets. However, I do need to be able to do payroll. I need to be able to calculate the payroll and do all the quarterly and annual reports. One company has two employees and the other has five.


Dec 30, 2015
Best software for semi-retired bookkeeper
by: Lake

Well you didn't say what software you are currently using ... and you didn't say what range you would like to pay.

With so little information to go on, I'd suggest you try QuickBooks Online software. You can sign up as a ProAdvisor for free and they have training resources. Your clients, however would have to pick up the monthly tab for the software subscription fee either directly or by you billing them if you are unwilling to pay the cost yourself (i.e. included in your fee).

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